Happy Homemaker Monday - Jan. 15,2024

 Good Monday morning ladies, how are you? It is super cold here, but I am thankful for our wood stove and plenty of good heat. I am joining Sandra over at Diary of a Stay At Home Mom for the Happy Homemaker Monday link up party. She is so kind to host this weekly and there are many of us bloggers that enjoy this weekly post. 

The Weather:

Cold, snowy, below zero wind chills and temperatures of a night. I believe our high for the day is to be 7 degrees F. BRR!!!!!! I hate winter when it is like this. I don't mind cold, but I don't like Artic cold. I am not a fan of the ice that occurs when we have temperatures like this. 

Right Now, I Am:

Sitting at my desk drinking coffee. As I look out the window, I see a bit of snow and maybe a bit of a sunrise. It is about -18 degrees with the windchill and so it looks cold! I am listening to the news that my husband left on when he went out. It is not something I care to do, but I just haven't gotten up yet, to change it. 

Thinking and Pondering:

What plans I have for the week. Pondering what we can do to keep the animals a little warmer in cold temperatures like this. Thinking of Dr. Martin Luther King today as well. As I think about what he wanted for our country, I feel that we are not much better off these days. There is still so much division in our country due to race. It really is sad that as humans, we can't treat each other better and be kinder to one another. 

How I am Feeling:

As I said, cold but thankful! I am thankful for wood heat and plenty of good food. We have not had to go out in this artic cold as I was well prepared for the weather. It's nice to know that I only have to go out to take care of the animals and carry wood in. 

On The Breakfast Plate:

As it is national bagel day, I wish I had a bagel. I do not so I will probably have toast with jelly. I might have an egg sandwich. All I have had so far is my coffee. 

On The Lunch Plate:

I believe I will make a casserole since it is so cold. I will probably make tuna casserole, or I will make soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, whichever my husband would like. He will be around for lunch, and I will be sure he eats. 

On the Menu:

Monday - Fried Chicken Leg Quarters, Fresh Sweet Corn, Potatoes

Tuesday - Rib Eye Steaks, Baked Potatoes, Green Beans

Wednesday - Stir Fry, Rice

Thursday - Bourbon BBQ pork Loin, oven roasted potatoes, spinach

Friday - Not sure

What I Am Wearing:

I am still in pajamas. I don't know that I will truly get dressed today. My warm pajama pants will feel nice all day since I don't have to go out. Of course, when I shower, I will change into a different pair and a tee shirt. I am enjoying the Fireside brand socks that I got for Christmas as they are so warm and comfortable. 

On My Reading Pile:

1. The Boxcar Children - reading this for the Tea and Ink Society Classic Challenge for the year. 

2. Do It Anyway Girl by Michelle Cunningham - I am reading this as a business aid. She gives great advice to those of us in the direct sales industry and I am enjoying it. Lots of helpful ideas in it. 

3. Lonestar Secrets by Colleen Cobble. I just started reading this yesterday as I finished A Beacon of Light. I am enjoying it so far and read about 4 chapters yesterday after beginning it. 

I am enjoying the time that I have to read now. It seems summer is always so busy that I don't have time to read, but winter chores are much less and gives me time to do things like read. I enjoy my books and I am thankful that I like to read. Reading can let you travel, when life doesn't allow it. 

On My TV This Week:

I will try to catch up on anything that I have on the DVR. I know I have several episodes of Welcome to Plathville to watch. I also still have some Christmas movies that I want to watch as well. 

Looking Around the House:

Things look pretty good. I need to sweep and mop of course, but that is my Monday chore anyway. I have a kitchen cabinet that I would like to clean as well. I might work on that later today. I have some mail that I need to look at too. 

To Do List:

1. Sweep and Mop


3. Get Pink Zebra orders packaged and mailed

4. Do some team training for Pink Zebra

From Camera:

A cute pair- don't you think? Does anyone think that this little fellow looks like his momma? I see so much of her in him. She does not think so at all. 

Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses:

God Hears Her is the next devotional that I want to study from. I will be ordering it later today. Here is the Amazon link to it if you would like to join me and help me earn a bit of money to aid with farm feed and animal care. God Hears Her

I pray that each of you have a wonderful Monday and that each of you stay safe and warm wherever you are. 


  1. Keep warm! I've got my virtual book club in a little while and then I hope to get to the gym. It's cold, but not snowy or icy and I need to get out as long as it's nice. I didn't know it was Bagel Day, but I'm a fan and I might treat myself.

  2. Keep warm and safe. God Bless. Regine

  3. Is that your mugs on the pretty hooks? Everything on your menu looks so good that now my mouth is watering!

  4. Stay warm - hate the ice too. Such a cutie boy with momma. Can't say for sure if he looks like mom or not.. get pictures out of when she was small to compare. Have a great week

  5. God Hears Her was my devotional in 2022. It's a good one. It's frigidly cold here as well. Great time of year to get in some reading! I've been in a slump - I'm reading but it's really slow going. I hope you have a great week!

    1. I have read a lot this year. 4 books completed and I am currently reading 3.


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