Surprise! It's A Party

Oh there is so much that I need to share with all of my friends here in Blogland and yet, I am so far behind in sharing my news. I will start with Saturday. ( Now, I really have news from each day since then, I believe. )

For years, I have mentioned to my children how I wish I would have had a wedding reception and a wedding cake. My husband is not a fan of such things and I don't think he would have ever danced at a reception or anything like that. I just have always thought that we missed out on a lot and I have always wanted a wedding cake of my own. I had also mentioned that for my 25th anniversary, it would be nice to have a small celebration. Well, our anniversary was Jan. 11th and it came and went with no cake and no real celebration, so I assumed that they had forgotten what I had said.

Instead my oldest daughter had planned a surprise party for me. ( My husband knew about it the whole time. ) She had invited many of our friends and relatives for a party to help us celebrate our life together and I had a cake.
Here I am as I walked through the door where everyone was. 

Our grand arrival! The grand doll was happy to see me and she wanted to show me all of the decorations and wish me a "happy birthday". She did finally say " happy anniversary" to Pappaw. Many of our friends were able to make it and a few family members. This is my father in law in the photo  with the hat on. 
Here is my beautiful cake. My daughter told me that she decorated it because it cost so much extra for the baker to decorate. I said it was fine and that it was quite pretty! She does a good job at planning and she had a knack for making things look great!

Very nice table decorations that held the cake as well. She made an announcement that we were going to cut our cake since we never had a wedding cake. Of course, the grand doll was right in the middle of everything so it make the moment a little more difficult. 
I love this photo even though you can't see as well what we are doing. This is our life these days and it will be some of our best memories! She sure loves us as we do her!

Of course, he thought it was a great idea to eat a small piece of cake and then wipe some of it on me. I returned the favor and I think he got the worst end of things. 

Here he is trying to get his "bite" to attack me with. LOL! The grand doll wanted her piece of cake soon! 
A good group of family and friends. The tables were full at times. This is my youngest daughter squatted on the floor. 

Another picture of friends and family. 

A few of the kids that were there enjoying the balloons!

My husband and a few of his buddies!

Another group of guys. The young man in the red plaid shirt is our son and the one in the blue plaid is our future son in law. 
These three girls are very special friends of mine. They are my traveling buddies and my partners in crime. We have been friends since high school or before and remain close. We get together at least once a month- sometimes way more. They love my husband! 

These two right here deserve so much credit and love for pulling this whole party off! They were the ones that done the work and planned the entire thing. I can't say how much I appreciate and love them!  He is going to be a great son in law!! He spoils her and I have never seen her look happier or healthier!!!


  1. Congratulations! So nice that you had a beautiful celebration and finally had your cake. Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you! I was so proud of the work that she put into this.

  2. Wow, these are memories and pictures to have for a lifetime! I am so glad I got to meet you and your family. The cake is gorgeous! Sophisticated, and a real wedding cake! And your granddaughter adds so much joy to the whole affair. I love the pic of the three of you at the cake. I hope she got a large slice. We recently had our 50th, but didn't have anything like this! Your daughter is amazing.

    1. My daughter is pretty special! She has done a lot for me and the grand doll did add joy to the affair. She got a huge slice and a cupcake.

  3. Oh looks at that! What a fabulous surprise. You have a great team in your family!

  4. Happy Anniversary! That is so awesome that your daughter planned this special surprise. I enjoyed reading your blog today and will be back again. Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. What a wonderful 25th anniversary celebration! So many great memories made! LOVE the cake, your daughter did a great job and it looks yummy. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!


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