Grand Doll Update -Our Journey With Blounts Disease

For those of you that have read my blog or followed me along for a few years now, you are aware that the grand doll has had two surgeries on her legs now and we are awaiting a third one which will remove the pins and plates from her left leg. For those who aren't aware of this, you can read more about it here.

We had yet another follow up this past Monday and it was our usual trip to the children's hospital, sign in, go to x-ray and then to the doctors' office. We rarely see the doctor when we are there, but an assistant. She is very friendly and helpful though. She took a peek at the x-ray and showed us that the leg is still straightening, but that it needs more time. It was the worst leg, so I understand that it is taking longer, but I so want this journey to be over. The more time goes by, the older she gets, the more scared she will be for the surgery and the harder it will be on me. ( I don't deal well with her having surgery as you will know if you read the post I shared here).

I am thankful that it is still working and I am thankful that her right leg is completely healed. I am thankful for a doctor that done a good job and I am thankful that she is walking so perfect these days, but I will also be glad to have the journey completed.


  1. thank you so much for posting the link to your earlier post about this! Being a new follower, I did not know any of it, so of course clicked and read your story. I am so very sorry! It is so much harder for us when little kids have surgery! They are innocent and have limited understanding of it all. That children have to suffer is such a hard thing to even comprehend. Having three granddaughters, I so well understand how you must feel. She is so beautiful!! And kids do bounce back and heal faster than us adults. But that doesn't make it any easier, does it? Blessings to you, and thank you for sharing this...please keep us posted on her! I run the prayer line for our church. So when and if she needs another surgery I will be glad to get our church praying, we have many faithful prayer warriors.

    1. Ginny, She will need another surgery as soon as her left leg straightens as much as needed. I will certainly let you know. It is hard to watch them suffer.

  2. God bless this beauty and heal her completely in Jesus' name.

  3. I'm like Ginny and didn't know abut your granddaughter. I can certainly understand how difficult this must be. Prayers being sent.

  4. I had never heard of Blount's Disease, but so glad that your granddaugher is doing so much better. I also had a growth plate disorder and had a benign tumor removed from my foot in college.

  5. Prayers for your darling GrandDoll's complete healing.
    It's so hard to watch our kids and our Grands suffer.
    Thanks for your updates.

  6. I will go read, thank you for sharing! Prayers for your precious Granddoll as she heals! HUGS!

  7. It is so hard to walk the illness walk with a child. They can be such troopers but you just want it over so they can get on with their lives (and you, yours!). She has such a sweet, dear smile.


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