Days on The Farm - During Co-Vid 19 Quaratine

Many of you are fully aware of the work that comes with the animals that we have and all the other aspects of living on a hobby farm, but I wanted to share some photos of the things that we have been doing while being quarantined due to Co-Vid 19. 

The nice thing about living in a rural area and on this small farm is that there is plenty to do while having to stay home and plenty of land to roam around on, while being home. We have taken plenty of walks on the property and we have found many plants and other fun things while doing our walks. With the grand doll being next door, it is easy to see her and since she had been with us when things started getting bad, we continued to see her as if we had been exposed, then she had as well. 

She was very proud of herself for getting these plants ready for us. Plus, she loved the wild flowers (the yellow plants) that she chose for me. 

She was careful to get the seeds exactly where she wanted them. It is so exciting to see her learning while doing something to help us out. 

This is the way we start our plants for our garden here. I use recycled K Cups.
With this large front yard, who needs to leave? We were excited to get this large wooden swing set as it helps with being bored.

This small flower garden area near the porch is another spot that we have worked on some. I truly need to purchase mulch soon. There are some nice lilies coming up here. 

The remainder of the wood piles that need to be used and restacked. My Christmas tree near the back of the trampoline that I replanted from last Christmas is still green and growing, but keeps leaning to the right. I need to put some more dirt around it today. The fence in the background has seen better days and will be gotten rid of this year. 

Rocky, our new puppy. We adore him and he does well with staying around without the fence, but he had been chasing chickens, so he was in trouble. He's really a good companion around here too!
Doesn't she clean up good? This was Easter and she was so excited the Easter Bunny had been here. She looked so pretty in her dress!
She had company, her cousin from Virginia, and they were able to ride Sugar for a bit. Of course, it was an argument over who would ride first. I explained that T did not have horses at home and needed to ride first. It was okay then. 
Of course, Sugar does ride double so they were both able to ride at one point. That made them happy! Usually, never need two helmets, but this taught us to purchase another one, which I can say is now in the tack room. 
We decided that we would go for a walk on the library story walk one day to get out and about. She loves to go and I don't mind at all. It's a short trip and a beautiful area, when it is sunny and warm. 
A nice place to sit and rest along the longer trail at the library. 
More photos of the library and the story walk. Each little stand has a page or two of the book on it.
This blessing box is near the trail, as you can see, and it is a spot where we take items weekly to place in for less fortunate people to be able to pick up some food and other items. I have a plan to make some nice packets for here later in the week and we will take up for my grand doll's birthday as a way to give back. 

This is our free little library. We use this as well and some days it has been a bright spot to get a new book while we were giving some away. I love the idea of these little libraries! 
This is a nice statue in the "courtyard" of the library and many of the kids that visit like to play here. 
A sign of our freedom! What a lovely sight even against the cloudy, gloomy skies.
I will leave you with a sight of our favorite bird feeder in the yard. Our bird bath sits below it, which will be moved later as it gets too much feed in it now. I am hoping to learn to make some suet cakes soon like these as I can no longer purchase them anywhere near us. 

I hope you have enjoyed a few days here on the farm. Talk to you all soon! 


  1. You live on an amazing farm with so many things to keep one occupied. I love all the little starters that Grand Doll is preparing.
    the Library walk with all the page placards is so unusual. I love the idea. We have a Free library stand like you do. It gets plenty of business from the neighborhood walkers.
    Enjoyed your post.

    1. Thanks Sue! We truly are blessed to live where we do.

  2. Your granddaughter is so beautiful, and she has gorgeous hair! How wonderful that you can continue to be and play with her! The blessing Box is such a great idea!! I would love to start one around here. Glad to hear you are doing well!

    1. You could start the blessing box in any kind of tote or a small stand. They are great! I thankfully never have to use them, but I do contribute. Thank you for the compliments on the grand doll. We sure adore her!

  3. I loved the trip to the farm today. It was delightful. What a sweet and adorable granddaughter. I love the blessing box, how meaningful and helpful. Acts of Kindness...that is what I posted today. Every act, large for small of kindness is showing love.

    1. Well, you are very welcome for the farm tour. Thank you for the compliments on her as well.

  4. What a fun look at your farm. Your grandauhter did a good job with the seeds

    1. Thank you! She loves to do things like this.

  5. Oh what fun times outside! Nothing better! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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