
Good Morning Everyone! I pray that this post finds each of you healthy, warm, and in good spirits. I am going to my daughter's again today to spend a few days with her. We work our Pink Zebra business together and I am thankful to say that she is finally truly helping with the work and truly trying to make a good go at this business. 
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Our rally training is on Saturday and it brings a new catalog, lots of new scents and many new warmers and lights as well as other products. That is part of the reason that I am going to her house, as we are watching virtually and we want to watch together, plus we are having some of our customers with us as well. I am still not sure that I enjoy the virtual meetings like this, but with the Co-Vid restrictions that we have all across the US, we must do things this way.

Are you ready for life to go back to some kind of normalcy? I am. I want to travel with my friends, I want to have meetings with other Zebras and I want to meet with Tom and Kelly, the company founders again. I want to have a birthday party and not worry about how many are there or who might be carrying a virus. I want to go to church and sit by friends. I want to go to a salon and be able to wait inside with others getting a haircut. I want to be able to go to the doctor with my husband and my grands. I want some normal!

I have done well with the quarantine and I have done well with wearing my mask and all the other new virus related guidelines, but I don't want to live like this anymore. I want my life back to some kind of normal. I know our normal will be changed forever, but I also keep my hands clean all the time, I keep sanitizer with me to use on carts, etc. because there are germs everywhere and have been for many years. I clean and sanitize my home weekly and I am fully aware to not go out if I am sick. Common sense can prevail through many situations. 

Summer may seem a long time away, but it truly is not and I wonder if we will have a normal fair this year. These 4 H families look forward to the fair and those kids work so hard all year to show off their animals and projects and it seems so unfair to have a virtual fair and a fair that doesn't allow animals to stay at the fairgrounds. A show that doesn't allow the public in to see the work that they have done. My grand doll can be in mini 4H this year and I want her to be able to go see her work at the fair. I want to be able to show her around the fair and let her see the sign that has her mom's name on it as part of the Jr. Leaders group that rebuilt a concession stand in the cattle showbarn. again, I want some normal to the fair. I miss milkshakes, fair foods, even the crazy midway. I miss seeing other friends that we only see at the fair. 

Co-Vid 19 has taken many loved ones and it has taken many of our traditions from us in the past year, it is time to reclaim our lives and our traditions, so I am making it part of my daily prayer that God take Co-Vid away. 

Until our trails meet again, I wish each of you a blessed day!


  1. I'm with you. I'm ready for things to get back to the way they used to be. Have fun at your daughters

  2. I sure hope you can have the fair! Last summer here, the animal show was virtual. But the food, and walking around are so much missed!

  3. I am ready for things to get back to a "new normal". I don't think some things will ever be the same. We got our first dose of vaccine today so we are one step closer to some sort of freedom, I hope. xo Diana

  4. I think we all want Normal!! Not so sure what that is any longer but to have the freedom to come and go and see and be with whomever we want to be with.
    Enjoy your time with your daughter and I hope your business goes really well.

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