How Many Starts?

How many times do you start something before you finish it? How many times do you start something and not finish it? I heard this morning that today is the day that most New Year's resolutions fall off or have ended. Isn't is crazy that we commit ourselves to something only to stop within 14 days? Two weeks and we become quitters!!

I am just as guilty! I have not made resolutions this year, but plans. As I was looking at my schedule and planner for the week, I realize just how much I don't follow through with things and how much I stop doing within two weeks. UGH! I am truly going to work on this. I am recommitting myself to making changes that I feel I need to make. 

Here is a look at my January planner that I use daily. Now, I am supposed to be posting things I need to accomplish daily, but I haven't done it this week at all. I have my Pink Zebra business boot camp items on the daily list, but that is all.. Notice my prayer list on the side. I am keeping up with that. 

Now, my monthly section has most of what I need on it, but my weekly section sure needs some work. I will hold myself accountable by making sure that next week looks better and I will post it as well. I don't want to be a quitter. Do you?

Let's help guide others with ideas of what you do that keeps you accountable. It's okay to quit, but restart if it is something that you need to do. 


  1. I definitely am LAZY..So full of Good Intentions.
    I feel I need to put a daily prayer list up where I can see it. Life goes on and looking forward to seeing how your "planner" goes

    1. I truly believe that we all have a streak of lazy and that we must write things at times for them to actually happen.

  2. I don't make resolutions, because when you don't do them, then you feel bad about yourself. So you set yourself up for guilt. I do have a short list of things I want to accomplish for the next day, and that works real well.

    1. Yes, I don't recommend that we make resolutions because too many of us, including myself, don't follow thru with them.

  3. I don't have a planner book like yours. I write a list every morning, it isn't long, and I usually complete it. However, there is one or two things that I never seem to get done. I bothers me, I feel bad, but I still don't seem to get them done. I won't confess to what those things are. Hoping that writing them down here may motivate me...

    1. It's okay to not have a planner, but make a list. Just don't feel bad if you don't complete that list. It's okay!

  4. We all start things and not finish them, I am certainly guilty of that. I didn't make any resolutions this year but plan to get more organized. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. Organization is an area that I am truly working on. I have the skills and the equipment, but find that time limits me on what I get done.


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