Happy Homemaker Monday at the Farm

If you are not aware of what Happy Homemaker Monday is you can read about it here with Sandra.

Right Now I Am...

Attempting to write this post, but for some reason, the stupid computer seems to not want it to be written. I am on my fourth attempt. I am also watching The Pioneer Woman!

Outside My Window...

It is cloudy and cold! I can see my daughter's house and the wood pile that we have for heat. 

On My Reading Pile...

I am going to start reading Christmas in Harmony by Philip Gulley. He is a new author to me, but I enjoy reading Christmas stories at this time of the year. 

On The Menu This Week...

I truly do not have a plan. I am making sausage gravy and biscuits tonight with eggs. My father in law is eating dinner with us. The rest of the week, I am not sure since I am starting a new job. 

On My To Do List...

I have Christmas decorating to do, bills to pay, grocery shopping for my father in law, Christmas cards to do, a craft show to do on Friday with my Pink Zebra and some last minute things to put together for the Christmas get together I am doing with friends on Sunday. 

In My Craft Basket...

I am still working on my grand doll's quilt. I am also doing some painting for Christmas as well. 

From The Camera..

This picture is from a couple of months ago, but aren't these two pretty girls?

Prayer Requests...

Peace in our country, my family and friends, and our blog friends


  1. Computer problems are so frustrating. You have lots going on this week! Hope it's a great one for you!

    1. Thanks, plus I am scheduled to start a new job this week and I will be going to a funeral for a classmate.

  2. You are busy! But so much of it is FUN busy, and that makes a big difference!

    1. Yes, but I am also busy with farm work and that is not always so much fun.

  3. Starting a new job? You are so busy already!!

    1. Yes, I am supposed to start at Meijer, a store like Walmart this week. It will be part time, but I am not sure of how that will work.

  4. I enjoyed reading your post. Have a WONDERFUL week.


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