You Matter - A Serious Post

Is anyone here in my cyber world of friends, feeling alone, depressed, unworthy, regretful, or anxious? If so, first let me start out by saying you are loved! God loves you, a friend loves you, a spouse, parent or child loves you. You are not alone and if you are not close to a friend, spouse, child, or parent, there is still help. There is someone that is willing to listen to you and help you rediscover that you are important and worthy. If you are contemplating suicide, it is not the choice to make. There is help available!

I write this because of a tragedy that took place in a town near us last week and involved a lady that was just a year ahead of me in high school. She was popular in high school and was a cheerleader and played tennis. She seemed to remain friends with most everyone after school as well. She was very bubbly and seemed to have life together to those of us that encountered her even after all these years since school. She had talked with some people about her struggles, but most of us never seen the issues she was truly dealing with. She struggled with anxiety, depression, and I believe some mental health issues. Last week, this woman allowed those demons to take the light that she shone away as she drove to a local school parking lot and shot herself.

When I think of the things that must have gone through her mind on that drive and during those last few moments, I struggle to imagine the pain and anguish she must have been in and was too lost to reach out. How horrible to feel that death is your only release to the pain that you are struggling with.  I wonder- did she pray, did she cry, did she just feel so numb and helpless that she just had no emotion left as she drove? Why did she pick the school parking lot? Was it the place that she began to feel the anxiety and depression that she held so beautifully inside? Was she there to reminisce of the happy times in her life? Were they the worst years of her life?

Please if you find yourself struggling with these emotions reach out to someone- ANYONE! Please realize that you are loved and that someone considers you a friend. Your life ending is a permanent solution to a temporary problem and someone is out there to help you. Reach out, call someone, talk to a doctor or specialist, talk with a friend, walk into a nursing home and speak to residents there to brighten their day. Do something nice for a neighbor or friend, even a stranger and realize that you are important and loved! YOU MATTER!!!!!

Tomorrow is another day and there is a bright light to the pain that you are suffering. There is love in the world for you! 


  1. Carol, Thank you for writing this...praying it helps if someone out there is in need . Last year my class mates and I celebrated a beautiful reunion. Afterwards, one lady I have brunch with went by to check on her son who had not answered her text and he had killed himself. About 8 months later that same lady's grandson over dosed and died. He was the son of her son that killed himself. What a horrid loss for her. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

    1. Oh Susie, what a horrible thing for your friend. I can't imagine finding my child dead and then to lose another family member to the same type of death. Prayers for her.

  2. Such a tragedy and so sad. Your words are inspiring and so true. We never know when someone is truly hurting inside so we must always show kindness.

    1. I agree. Just one kind word or gesture could be the difference in life or death.

  3. SO sad:( We had a friend commit suicide many years ago, the happiest person to be around and his suicide shocked everyone. We just don't know what people are going thru. A kind word, a smile or a hug can make a difference. Thanks for sharing this, HUGS!

    1. That describes this lady perfectly. Always smiling and happy to the outside world.

  4. much hurt and sadness...A perfect post...
    Thank you


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