Life on the Farm Update

I apologize that I have been so quiet here and I apologize that this post will be rather short. On Tuesday Feb. 19, we began having some medical issues with my mother in law. They progressed rather quickly until she was having hallucinations on that Friday. The family doctor said she thought the cause was an antibiotic that she had been started on and sent us to the hospital for bloodwork.

I won't tell you the hospital story, but she was transferred to a neuro-psychiatric hospital from there instead of being admitted for observation as the family doctor had suggested. She stayed there for three days until I could get her released. Brought her home for one day, took her to another emergency room as the problem continued. The doctor there admitted her and said he would get to the bottom of the problem.

She stayed there for two days and had many tests but we still do not have a diagnosis. They released her on Wednesday evening and we now have her home with the same hallucinations and I am trying to get her into rehab as she has little strength in her legs.

Meanwhile as I am at the second hospital, my grand doll was rushed to the children's hospital when a local hospital read a CT scan and thought she had appendicitis. Thankfully, she did not. She was dehydrated and had gas on her stomach.

What a end to February. Hopefully, things settle down soon, but I sure need the prayers.


  1. Praying for ALL of you, Carol. It is that old "when it rains-it pours" syndrome of life. I hope they can get to the bottom of it all. One thing (and I know this is a little crazy) but when my mother was having hallucinations she was terribly dehydrated...a few days of infused fluids and the hallucinations went away. You just never know--I am hoping for something simple but it may be something quite complex, too.

    Glad your grandgirl is okay. xo Diana

  2. Thanks NanaDiana. I hope they can get to the bottom of it too. However, three hospitals later and many, many tests and we have no answers.

  3. Prayers coming your way for ALL in need of prayers! I pray that they get to the bottom of the health issues and all return to normal. HUGS!

  4. Oh my...continued prayers for correct diagnosis and healing.

  5. Thank you for your prayers.


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