Rain Rain Go Away

I remember a little poem that my mom used to read to me that said: "Rain Rain Go Away, Come again another day, Jimmy and Joe want to play". I am sure she inserted the names but this is the perfect saying for today. Yet again, we are having rain that began yesterday morning and is continuing still. These are not just spring showers, but for periods of time, simply downpours. I don't mind spring rain and I know that the farmers need it. I am glad that we are not suffering through a drought, but it's becoming a nuisance because it is daily that we are having heavy rains. There are multiple areas of flooding regularly now and many activities are being put on hold. I know some farmers have had to replant many fields due to the heavy rains that have completely destroyed farm fields that were planted early. Those actions are only leading to less money being made and that means the difference between profit being made or just breaking even for many farmers these days. I ha...