Word of the Year

 As many others do, I usually pick a word of the year. A word that is dedicated to how I want my new year to go. I do it more for my small business than for personal reasons normally, but this year it is for both. I thought about many words, but this word seems to be the one that stands out to me and the one that combines many of the others. 

My word for 2025 is going to be GROWTH. Growth in not only my small business, but also in my team, my other job, my personal life, and within myself. I want to grow in my love for Christ and my love for my family. GROWTH will bring change, and change will bring new challenges to face, but growth will also allow me to do more of the things that I love and have planned for the year. 

I have begun using the word daily in all my business aspects. When I am training new people, I speak of growth. As I am working my business, I am speaking of growth. I want to grow my customer base, my sales, and my team. I want to grow as a leader and a mentor. I want to grow my trainings and become even better at being more consistent, which will lead to more growth. 

Do you pick a word of the year? Do you care to share your word and why? 


  1. What a perfect word for 2025. It's such a good word to use in all aspects of life. Thanks for the visit and sharing your Word for the Year. Growth...love it.

  2. I love that word too. It is a challenge but a terrific goal.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Its been a long time.
    I hope your small business will thrive.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I have been MIA for awhile, but I am determined to grow here as well.

  3. What a good word! I think my word would be grace.....Happy New Year and may God bless you in all you do!

    1. Grace is another great word. Happy New Year to you as well.

  4. Love your word for 2025! I am thinking of making my word THRIVE. I want to do more than just survive the year. I also want to THRIVE :)

  5. Great choice-Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

  6. That's a great word, I really like it. I'm still struggling with deciding on mine. I might just go with spaghetti ( a joke word I got from one of those find options).Ha!

    1. Well, I guess spaghetti could be used as your word. Great dinner idea when nothing else comes to mind.

  7. Carol,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! I love your WOTY Growth...I think we all need a little of growth in the New Year... Of course you can use my Thrive in 2025 because I also think that we all need to do that too!! Wishing you a very Happy Healthy New Year!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Thanks. That will be my business motto for the year.


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