Happy Homemaker - Jan. 27,2025

Can you believe that we are writing this for the last Monday in January already? I know many of us in the US are ready for this cold and snowy month to be over, as I know I am. Artic cold has enveloped us for at least the past two weeks and snow along with it has just added to the pure brutality that you feel when you have to be out long. Living on a small farm truly becomes a chore in weather like this. 

I will be linking up with Sandra for this Happy Homemaker post over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . If you are interested in learning more about what this is and why we write it, you can hop over there. You will also find links to what other Happy Homemakers have to say this week. Check it out for a bit if you haven't been there before.

I am finally feeling more like myself, and the weather has broken a bit, and I was able to go visit with some friends over the weekend, so I am thankful to say that I have finally beaten whatever the virus was that made me so sick. Let's get into our week!

The Weather in my Neck of the Woods:

Well, as I said the temps are warming up and we are to be at almost 50 degrees Fahrenheit by the middle of the week. It is crazy that it was so cold and now we are having temps like this. I will take it, but it brings insane amounts of mud, which I hate more than snow. 

Things That Make Me Happy:

My Pink Zebra business. I love being able to share our non- toxic home fragrances and household products with others. If you don't know about us, take a look. 

Book I'm Reading:

Run Rose Run by James Patterson and Dolly Parton. I hope to finish this soon. I am still searching for an audio book program that I will like so that I can listen to books as well. Any recommendations? I don't want to have to pay a huge amount of money out for it and I find some can be very expensive. 

What's On My TV Today:

Ma and Pa Kettle is in my DVD player and I think that is what I will watch. I love those shows. Have you watched them?

On The Breakfast Plate:

Coffee and Scone with my friend.

On The Lunch Plate:

No idea

On The Dinner Plate:

Do I have to cook dinner? I need new ideas, but then I don't really want to try any of the ideas my husband has sent to me the past week or two. Why is planning dinner so difficult at times?

On The Menu:

Menu planning is scheduled for today. I just did not want to think about it and I was not sure if I would be going to my daughter's house or not. 

On My To Do List:

* Declutter 365- 15 minutes of decluttering a certain area of the home. I am finding that I am decluttering items that I normally would not go thru at this time of the year to clean out. How many coffee cups do you have? I had more than my husband and I could ever truly use so I took some to a local church to donate them. 

* Work on my scrapbook

* Visit my daughter 

* Taxes - ugh! I hate tax season. 

New Recipe I Tried or Wanted To Try:

I don't know that I will try a new recipe this week as the week is a bit busier than usual. I will make a post about it if I do. My husband has several that he wants to try. Some sound interesting to say the least. 

What I'm Creating:

Nothing at the moment, but I really want to start working on my scrapbook again. It is a book filled with letters that my husband wrote to me when we were dating, and I think that the kids will enjoy it when something happens, and we are no longer on this Earth.

No Words Needed:

Devotional, Prayer, Bible Verse:


  1. What are your extra farm chores in the winter? I have been de-cluttering too. I have a whole lot of mugs, as I just can't resist them when I see one I like! I like to set ones out that are seasonal and for various holidays

    1. I love to change our coffee mugs out as well and I can hardly stand to part with any of them. Extra chores are having to keep the waters changed out daily as they freeze, keeping straw in so many of the pens that we don't need to in the warmer months. It also means making sure the coops that are not near the barn have wind barriers to keep them warmer.

  2. I am in a de-cluttering mood, working on lots of chores on my "to-do" list, looking forward to a warm-up in the weather this week and looking for new recipes. Perhaps someone will share one that looks yummy! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. Sounds like many of us are doing the same thing.


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