Starting A Direct Sales Business - Pink Zebra

Well, I know it has taken me awhile to return here and talk with each of you, but there are so many changes coming up in my life. I have turned my notice in at work and I will be staying home with the new grandbaby while my daughter returns to work. I will also be starting a direct sales business that I will be working from home.

I have become a consultant for Pink Zebra. This is a company that changes lives by changing fragrances. Yes, it is a home fragrance company that allows you to make your own candles, air fresheners, etc. They have a unique way of selling the soy wax and it is called Sprinkles. The wax actually looks like ice cream sprinkles and comes in jar or cartons that remind you of sprinkle toppings containers or ice cream cartons. If you are interested in learning more, you can take a look at my business at my website.

I am working this business with my daughters. I am hoping that it allows us the income to work together as a family. I am also hoping to be able to allow my youngest to stay home by next year with the baby as well. I have tried direct sales before and I was never successful but I am hoping that now I am able to do more with the new products. After all, everyone likes candles and fragrance in their home.


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