Spring Cleaning

Each year as the weather begins to hint at spring and summers' arrival, I begin to get the urge to rid the house of all the dust, mud, and signs of winter weather. Time to open windows and allow the fresh air to replace the stale that winter has left us with. The urge to clean the mess left by heating with wood and yesterday, I done just that. Spring Cleaning!

The day began with just a normal cleaning day but after 9 hours of non stop cleaning, I realized that I had done much of what I usually reserve for a later date as we are not experiencing spring at the moment. I was not able to air the house out as it was too cold to have the doors and windows open, but I was able to let the storm door be open and allow some sunshine in. Sure wish we had it today!

I was able to mop and do some deep cleaning. I changed the items on my wall and added some new pictures that I had been given at Christmas time and just had not found time to get put up. I placed two new horse signs in my bathroom. and one that says " Life Is A Journey, Enjoy The Ride" on it just above my file cabinet so that I see it each day that I am at my computer. It reminds me that life is short and we need to enjoy it and not concentrate so much on the stuff we can't change. Also, we need to realize what makes us happy and concentrate on that. Work is necessary but we should not allow it to control our lives and it has taken me a long time to realize that.

My wish for each of you today is to enjoy the special small moments and do something that you enjoy this week. It is supposed to warm up and if it does I am going to enjoy a ride with my horse.


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