And just like that we are at the last Monday in February, can it mean that spring might be right around the corner. Oh, how I hope. We still have snow on the ground, but I am excited to say that it is actually the warmest day we have had in several weeks and the sun is shining. We are even to have temperatures in the 50's most of the week, which makes this country girl quite happy. It means mud everywhere, which is not fun. The chicken coops are a mess and need to be cleaned, the ducks are covered in mud in their outside enclosure, and the geese are just messy anyway, Life will be a muddy mess this week, but it beats the extreme cold and snow we have had. Now let's get on with our weekly Happy Homemaker post. I will link up with several other bloggers over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom , where this series began. If you would like to read more of these, please hop over and check it out. She would love to have you visit and the bloggers that write this each week would ...