

 Many of us hear this word homesteading, but are we truly aware of what that means and the lifestyle that comes along with it? Homesteading is a way of life that involves a person/persons living a life that is as self- sufficient as possible. A lifestyle that involves needing to know how to live off nature and your own skills as much as possible.  The word homesteading on means " any dwelling with land and buildings where a family makes a home", but today's standards are more of a self-sufficient lifestyle.  What should you know before deciding to homestead? Number one, it is not an easy lifestyle. It takes work and hard work at that. Many people dream of homesteading but fail because they are unaware and unprepared to do the work that is involved. Some homesteaders want to live off grid, but that is not a necessity. Second, you need to know that there are many ideas as to what is involved in homesteading and decide what you can and can't or are and are...

Happy Homemaker- March 3.2025

  Good Morning and welcome to March! A new month and a bit closer to spring, which I know many of us are looking forward to following the cold and snowy weather that winter has brought to us. We struggled with a weekend that did not get temperatures that reached much higher than the 30's, but I know tomorrow we are forecasted to be in the 60's. Weather changes here in the Midwest seem to be rather large at times.  Oh well! Enough about that, let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday post and link up over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom and check out the other amazing bloggers that write and link up there as well. Each of these ladies have wonderful and amazing words to share and are busy as you will read making sure their homes and families are cared for in such a nice way.  THE WEATHER IN MY NECK OF THE WOODS: We are to have decent weather this week with temperatures, but there are several days that we have good chances of rain. Temperatures will average 45-60 for dayt...

Wordless Wednesday


Happy Homemaker - February 24.2025

  And just like that we are at the last Monday in February, can it mean that spring might be right around the corner. Oh, how I hope. We still have snow on the ground, but I am excited to say that it is actually the warmest day we have had in several weeks and the sun is shining. We are even to have temperatures in the 50's most of the week, which makes this country girl quite happy. It means mud everywhere, which is not fun. The chicken coops are a mess and need to be cleaned, the ducks are covered in mud in their outside enclosure, and the geese are just messy anyway, Life will be a muddy mess this week, but it beats the extreme cold and snow we have had.  Now let's get on with our weekly Happy Homemaker post. I will link up with several other bloggers over at  Diary of a Stay at Home Mom , where this series began. If you would like to read more of these, please hop over and check it out. She would love to have you visit and the bloggers that write this each week would ...

An Old Time Blog { Saturday Photo Meme}

 I just read a post by ""+"Sandra Bourland over at Diary of A Stay at Home Mom and decided that I wanted to join her in this meme post. This is like blog posts from several years ago. I hope you enjoy it.    How does it work?  Well, you go to Google Images and type in the category and then paste the photo that shows up for it.  That's it!   YOUR NAME   DADS NAME                                                         MOMS NAME                                                          YOUR AGE ON YOUR NEXT BIRTHDAY                                          ...

Wordless Wednesday


Happy Homemaker - Feb.17.2025

 Good Afternoon and Happy Presidents Day! Whether you like the current administration or not, the office of the President deserves respect. Many of the people that are in that office are disliked and many do the job well and some do not, but it is still an office that deserves respect.  How are you? Life is cold here and we have snow again, but my heart is broken by what I am seeing in Southwest Virginia as well as Kentucky and West Virginia with the massive flooding, I have many family members and friends in Southwest Virginia that I am praying for at the moment. The weather seems to be so all over the place this year. Our average temperatures should be in the 40's and we are at 15 degrees F. How crazy!  On to our post and our link up with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay At Home Mom  and her Happy Homemaker Series.  THE WEATHER IN MY NECK OF THE WOODS : Cold and snowy, although the sun is currently shining. Our temperatures are so far below normal, it seems as t...